Psicobōtica Products

Artificial Intelligence Applications

We develop Artificial Intelligence products at the service the human mind in the following areas:

Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology 

Our Artificial Intelligence applications in clinical psychology include evaluation, monitoring and treatment tools that are used both by therapists and clients.

Visit our Clinical Psychology Product Portfolio for details about our tools and applications for psychotherapists and their clients.


Education & Training



Our education solutions are based in context awareness and personalization. We use AI to detect specific learning needs and provide the best experience and results at any given time.

Visit our Education & Training Product Portfolio for details about our tools and applications for teachers and their students.


Health Care


AI can also be an ally to health care professionals and assist them during the processes of diagnosis, treatment and recovery, contributing to an improved health care delivery.

Visit our Health Care Product Portfolio for details about our tools and applications for doctors and their patients.


Wellbeing & Happiness


If AI’s main purpose is to serve humans, what better way to do it than promoting people’s happiness and wellbeing. Besides, happy people are more productive, creative and successful.

Visit our Wellbeing & Happiness Product Portfolio for details about our tools and applications for coaches and their coachees.